The first handling order in the early spring of Fire Monkey year 2016


The ceremony to celebrate the beginning of the Lunar New Year and to give the first handling order of the Spring has become a culturally specific of Saigon Newport Corporation. This year, SNP was honored to receive the leaders of Ho Chi Minh city Party Committee, Peoples Committees and Vietnam Peoples Navy attending the event on February 7th 2016 (December 29th Lunar calendar) at Cat Lai terminal, Ho Chi Minh City.

Delivering speech at the event, Rear Admiral Nguyen Dang Nghiem- SNP’s general director informed that in 2015, thanks to the proper awareness of the situation and requirement of the political responsibilities, SNP made an excellent fulfillment of the assigned tasks and achieved good business results with highly economic efficiencies. SNP has a network nationwide. Tan Cang Cat Lai terminal is the biggest and most modern terminal in Vietnam and ranks among the top 30 container ports in the world. The import export container throughput of  Cat Lai Terminal has made up more than 80% of those of Ho Chi Minh city area with the volume of more than 3.8 million TEU. SNP occupies more than 50% of market share nationwide. SNP’s turnover in 2015 was 15,220 billion of VND (year on year increase of 22 %), profit was 1,781 billion of VND, contributing 410 billion VND to the state budget. SNP has made considerable and important contribution to stabilizing the Macro- economy and to the development of Ho Chi Minh city in particular and the whole country in general. The plan of 2016, SNP aims at reaching the throughput of 6.06 mil TEU (80.6 mil tons) surpassing 13% to those of 2015.

Besides the key business of terminal operation, SNP has successfully developed two other core businesses: logistics and domestic shipping. SNP logistics (SNPL) ranks number 1 in Top 20  Vietnamese Logistic provider in 2015. Domestic shipping service of SNP has a firm position in the market inspire of its new coming. Beside the business achievements, in 2015, SNP contributed more than 23 billion of VND for the army and public relations activities.

Being present at Cat Lai terminal in the time to welcome the Lunar New Year, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phong- chairman of Ho Chi Minh city peoples acknowledged and highly appreciated SNP’s business fruitful results and contributions in 2015. SNP has always been always fully responsible to ensure the smooth cargo circulation. He stressed that 2016 is an especially significant year- the initial year to implement the resolutions of the 12th National Congress of Communism Party, those of 10th Congress of Ho Chi Minh city Party Committee, the 2016-20120 socio- economic development plan. The good implementation of the plan in 2016 is not only the requirement for the year, but also has the meaning of creating the new posture and power to make the successes of the targets and missions set forth for the whole term. Ho Chi Minh city needs the growth of the enterprises in the local, among those the contribution of SNP to this growth is typical.  He also expressed his belief that SNP will continue its firm steps as planned, overcoming the difficulties and challenges so as to complete the duties assigned by the Party, State. SNP will make the positive contribution to build Ho Chi Minh city more and more developed.

At the ceremony, the leader of Vietnam Peoples Navy and Ho Chi Minh city gave speeches to celebrate and give best wishes for the Tet, present the gifts to the units directly working at the New Year’s Eve. Especially, more than 6 billion VND of SNP extracted from the profit of the first night of the Lunar year was delivered to the Vietnam Peoples’ Navy, to affection funds, funds for the poor of the cities so as to do the policies and ensure the social security.