Tan Cang Pilot: Organize a conference to review the first 6 months of 2023

Sunday, 30/07/2023

On the afternoon of June 27, 2023, Tan Cang Pilot successfully held a conference to review the work of the first 6 months of 2023 by online at 04 bridge points (including two meeting rooms that’s in Ho Chi Minh City and Vung Tau City) with 50 delegates representing the whole unit.

Attending and directing the Conference: Comrade Colonel Nguyen Van Phuong, member of the Quan Cang Saigon’s Party Committee, the party secretary, Chairman of Tan Cang Pilot Company; The conference chaired by: Colonel Hoang Thanh Binh, Deputy Director of General Department, Director of the Company.

The conference focused on the main contents: Mastering the Resolution of the Quan Cang Saigon’s Party Committee and the Resolution of the Tan Cang Cang Pilot’s Party Committee on leadership in performing the tasks of military and defense, production and business and building the Party Committee in the last 6 months of 2023; Discuss and propose key solutions to carry out military defense and economic tasks in the last 6 months of 2023; Summary of the emulation movement for the first 6 months of 2023.
Comrade Colonel Nguyen Van Phuong, member of the Quan Cang Saigon’s Party Committee, the party secretary, Chairman of Tan Cang Pilot Company grasp thoroughly the Labor Regulations to perform the tasks of the last 6 months of 2023 of the Quan Cang Saigon’s Party Committee and  the Tan Cang Cang Pilot’s Party Committee
The meeting agreed to evaluate: Faced with the advantages, difficulties and limitations that exist in the past, the Company has seriously overcome, learned from experience and surpassed all the Company has always been in a high consensus, proactive, flexible, management and administration successfully completed the task of Production and business with the targets of Output, Revenue, Profit achieving high growth; Income and welfare for employees are guaranteed (Implemented: 1 focus, 3 breakthroughs; basic economic indicators increase by 3.2% or more (only after-tax profit 32.6%) compared to the same period in 2022; 100% of projects and investments comply with and comply with the provisions of the law, achieve the set schedule and plan. Spreading the culture of Saigon Newport Corporation, highlighting the political responsibility of Uncle Ho's Army in military work, mass mobilization, and policies for units inside and outside the Navy and in the locality; leaders of mass organizations that are active and function properly, bringing practical effects; complete the application file for the Labor Medal on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the traditional day (October 27, 2023).

The conference was lively and took the time to propose key solutions to carry out the tasks in the last 6 months of 2023: Thoroughly grasping, strictly implementing the above directives and orders, ready to receive and well complete the assigned tasks; Focus on ensuring unit safety; Strict cost management; Properly organize staffing. The conference called on all officers, employees and employees of the Company to continue to innovate thinking, unite, more consensus, act more decisively and effectively, strive with greater determination to successfully implement comprehensively the goals and tasks planned for 2023 as well as the following years; Together, we will build Tan Cang Pilot Company with stable and sustainable development.

Summary of the movement TDQT, Conference to praise and reward 03 collectives and 16 individuals for successfully completing tasks in the first 6 months of 2023; The success of the Conference is the driving force for the whole unit to strive to successfully complete the mission in 2023.

Some pictures from the conference:
The scene of the conference

Comrade Colonel Hoang Thanh Binh, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of the Company awarded prizes to 03 teams for successfully completing their tasks in the first 6 months of 2023.

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Lê Thị Hải Hòa - HT